Monday 11 June 2007

Elaine Stringer

Elaine Stringer's thoughts on Assessment Week:

"The week was great for me"
She especially enjoyed Monday as it allowed the students to give their view point on Assessment and Feedback within the University. It also allowed her to see what TALI has done so far and also see where the initiative is going, it put the work into context.

During one of the Monday sessions Elaine really enjoyed watching the DVD of the student interviews, and thinks that it will be a very useful tool to use.

The key thing from the week for Elaine was making the contacts with other members of staff within Sheffield Hallam University and also outside of the University. The fact that she got to see if others are ahead of her or behind you in their practice, and she liked finding out what others were doing with regards to Assessment and Feedback.

Elaine has taken many things away with her from the week that she is either currently implementing or is planning to use. The first being Audio feedback, which she will begin in September. The second is from the Portfolio session as it helped Elaine to look at the nursing portfolios and see where improvements could be made. She is now looking at creating a more structured format for the Portfolios for Nursing students.

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